The task: build and integrate location services into Motribe so our Juggalos can find each other. Build and launch this service in six hours or less.
9:30 - 10AM
- The Briefing
- Tasks are allocated. Sean will do the code front-end, Nic will do the Facebook app and fan page, Ashley will do all the data integration and models, Robyn and Amanda will formulate the launch plan and roll-out, Vincent will do the design work for the UX
- Logged in web look and feel hits
- Nice to have web look and feel hits
- Google image map API implementation done and wired up to Motribe’s device detection service
- Address search complete
- Location added to MongoDB
- Radius search complete
- Set location complete
- WTF is for lunch?? This is a concern as we don’t want to lose any time but people get bitchy when their blood-sugar levels drop.
- Vincent starts whining about the wiki structure and naming conventions for the new code documentation
- The team smack Vincent down, he decides to shut up
- The javascript web map is now displaying markers for fake Juggalos
- Tech Team meeting to discuss where we are at. It looks like we’re ahead of schedule, which means we’ll just just make deadline if nothing goes wrong.
- Pizza is ordered
- We decide to use pink and blur markers on the map for Juggalettes and Juggalos.
- The design has grey markers, we’re going to have bright ones now
- Its time to start adding some real data
- Fail #1 inconsistency between the dev environment and the live environment means Nic has to rewrite some code. Luckily its only a few lines

- Things are starting to come together
- Robyn shares the Google doc for the text messages on the various pages
- Someone, who will remain unknown for now, used camel-case instead of underscores. BOOM!
- Robyn -> “I love the Juggalos, whoop whoop” (sort of to herself)
- Nic explains the movie about his room-mate’s cousin and it sounds kinda… wild
- Nic reveals that he’s reading the whatsapp blog
- The graphics have been cut, zipped and transferred
- Nic -> “Um… is the something I should be doing?”
- Its getting hot in the Motribe offices so we turned on the fan
- The views are being divided by the people
- Running out of time the team start to panic
- Beer is served
- Fok. our Mongo is too old for something we want to do. This is not good.
- While Ashley rewrites a ton of code a New Zealander walks in ands tells us how they shoot Hobbits in New Zealand. Also our building is falling down, nothing serious though but there is water leaking into Friedas and no-one knows where it is coming from.
- Things have gone all silent here
- Bad news, plan B failed
The verdict: Friday afternoon was not the right time to do MongoDB upgrade on our production environment so we’re going to continue on Monday.