Features Tour

Expect the best, straight out the box.

Drag and Drop Screenshot

Total control

Focus your community with Motribe Plugins

Using the various plugins available to community owners a community can be turned in to anything you can imagine. Build a photo community, a content community, a chat community and more.

Drag and drop layout

The easy to use drag and drop plugin manager makes customizing the plugins your community uses extremely simple. Just drag the plugin you want in to your mobile community and save the settings.

Quickly and easily add a chat room, remove photos and there are many more options. We are always adding new features.

Manage blogs, photos and users

You can use the Motribe content management system to moderate photos, blog posts and search for content or users. This gives you the peace of mind that comes with total control.

Know your audience

These days, the best thing you can do is listen and pay attention to what your users want. Make better decisions using Motribe’s Advanced Analytics to understand your audience better than on any other medium.

Brands, groups, individuals, teams. Anyone. It's Free.